Developmental Paediatric Services
Our Developmental Paediatricians have specialist training and expertise in how children and teenagers develop, learn and behave. Detailed history, examination and assessment is performed to enable understanding of your child or teenager as a whole in the context of their home and school environment to ensure accurate diagnoses. We are able to assist in identifying your child or teenager’s strengths and weaknesses to guide individualised strategies to support them in reaching their potential.
Initial assessment includes thorough history, observation and examination, psychometric assessment, brain mapping and computerised medication testing performed.
After initial assessment, we provide regular follow up appointments to monitor progress and provide ongoing support and advice as required.
Initial assessment includes thorough history, observation and examination, psychometric assessment, brain mapping and computerised medication testing performed.
After initial assessment, we provide regular follow up appointments to monitor progress and provide ongoing support and advice as required.
Psychometric Testing
Detailed assessment of a child’s specific areas of strength and weakness is important to assist with accurate diagnosis and understanding of a child's presentation. It enables us to advise on intervention strategies to support your child.
Cognitive or intelligence tests are performed at initial appointment to clarify a child’s general intellectual ability. When used in combination with detailed history gathered from carers and teachers as well as observation of their performance, these results can provide better understanding of a child’s innate problem solving skills. It allow us to identify areas that require additional support. Several distinct areas of cognitive ability are assessed including working memory, verbal comprehension, fluid reasoning, visual spatial skills and processing speed. |
Education/achievement testing performed at our clinic include standardised tests of reading, spelling and mathematics. This assesses whether a child is achieving to the level expected given their cognitive potential. If a child achieves below predicted for their cognitive ability, this may be indicative of a specific learning disorder in that area.
Our standardised assessments are carried out by our psychology team and results will be explained both verbally and in a formal comprehensive report sent to the carer.
Our standardised assessments are carried out by our psychology team and results will be explained both verbally and in a formal comprehensive report sent to the carer.
Brain mapping (qEEG)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is diagnosed based on history and clinical presentation. There is no single test to diagnose this disorder and standardised clinical criteria are to be met. It can also be very useful to have an additional objective measure to aid assessment and a quantitative EEG (electroencephalogram) brain map can further support the clinical picture by identifying brain map patterns associated with ADHD.
The qEEG is simple and non-invasive with no radiation or discomfort to the child. It is completely safe and take approximately 15-30 minutes to perform. This data is then analysed and compared with age related normative data. Children with ADHD characteristically have immature brain wave activity in the frontal region of the brain. One example of characteristic brain mapping is illustrated above. This appearance is often corrected by medication taken for ADHD.
qEEGs are a useful aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of children with ADHD but should not be used in isolation. Some changes only normalise with maturity, and these can be used to assist decision along with clinical presentation when medication may no longer be required.
qEEGs are a useful aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of children with ADHD but should not be used in isolation. Some changes only normalise with maturity, and these can be used to assist decision along with clinical presentation when medication may no longer be required.
Computerised medication testing
Where stimulant medication is being considered to improve child’s concentration and support learning, we recommend a trial in our clinic. As stimulant medication works quickly, it is possible to perform a continuous performance test before and 1 hour after medication within the clinic setting. This gives us the opportunity to observe for likely benefit and any possible side events of medication. If there are positive effects observed, medication trial may be suggested for 1-2 month trial period by your Paediatrician.